Let it Be(tti):



Joint work with
W. REISE (Paris-Saclay), M. DOMINGUEZ, M. BEGUERISSE-DIAZ (Spotify) & H. HARRINGTON (Oxford).

The problem

Do you recognize this song?

Source: Music Obfuscator by Ben Grosser (2015)

The problem

Given two audio recordings, identify wheather they correspond to the same audio content .

The problem

Given two audio recordings, identify wheather they correspond to the same audio content .

  • 'Morning Song' by Le Loup:

  • 'Morning Song' by Le Loup with addition of white noise:

  • 'Morning Song' by Le Loup with change of tempo:

  • 'Morning Song' by Le Loup with change of pitch:

Audio representation

Audio representation

  • Waveform: A continuous function $s\colon\lbrack 0,T\rbrack \to \mathbb{R}$.

Audio representation

  • Waveform: A continuous function $s\colon\lbrack 0,T\rbrack \to \mathbb{R}$.

Audio representation

  • (Discrete) Short-time Fourier transform: Given equally-spaced time samples of the signal $(s_n)_{n=1}^{N}$ in $\lbrack 0,T\rbrack$ and a discretization of the frequency range $\{f_m\}_{m=1}^M$, the magnitude of the frequency $f_m$ around $t_n$ is given by \[ \widehat{S} (n, m) = \sum_{k=-\infty}^\infty s_k \omega_{k-n}\exp\left(-i k f_m\right), \] where $(\omega_k)_k$ is a discrete version of a window function.

Audio representation

Fingerprinting audio tracks

Fingerprinting audio tracks

Case study: Shazam (2003)

Fingerprinting audio tracks

Case study: Shazam (2003)

  • Finding peaks: Identify local maxima in the spectrogram.
    For every $n,m$, compare $\widehat{S}(n,m)$ with the average of intensities in a neighborhood $\mathcal{N}(n,m)$.
    Identify $(n,m)$ such that $ \widehat{S}(n,m)>\sum_{(n',m')\in \mathcal{N}(n,m)} \widehat{S}(n',m')$.

Fingerprinting audio tracks

Case study: Shazam (2003)

  • Fingerprint: For every peak (anchor point) $P$ at time $t_P$ and every peak $Q$ in the target zone at time $t_Q$ compute $(f_P, f_Q, t_Q-t_P)$.

Comparing audio tracks

Comparing audio tracks

Case study: Shazam (2003)

  • Matching: Given two tracks, match pairs of hashes that coindide.

Comparing audio tracks

Case study: Shazam (2003)

  • Scoring: Compute the histogram of $t_P-t_{P'}$ for every matched pair of hashes $(f_P, f_Q, t_Q-t_P)$ and $(f_{P'}, f_{Q'}, t_{Q'}-t_{P'})$. The score of a matching is the size of the largest bar.

Comparing audio tracks

Case study: Shazam (2003)

  • Scoring: Compute the histogram of $t_P-t_{P'}$ for the every paired hashes $(f_P, f_Q, t_Q-t_P)$ and $(f_{P'}, f_{Q'}, t_{Q'}-t_{P'})$ in the matching. The score of a matching is the size of the largest bar.

Obfuscations of Audio tracks

  • Addition of noise

  • Reverberation

  • Low/High pass filter

  • Tempo shift

  • Pitch shift

Obfuscations of Audio tracks

Audio Identification

Case study: Shazam

  • The algorithm has good performance for rigid obfuscations of audio tracks, such as:
    • addition of noise,
    • highpass/lowpass filter,
    • reverberation.

  • The algorithm has poor performance for topological obfuscations of audio tracks, such as:
    • change of pitch,
    • change of tempo,
    • mixed distortions; e.g. Music Obfuscator by Ben Grosser (2015).

Audio Identification

Topology of spectrograms

Topology of spectrograms

Mel-spectrograms as filtered cubical complexes

Topology of spectrograms

Mel-spectrograms as filtered cubical complexes

Topology of spectrograms

Topology of spectrograms

Topology of spectrograms

Topology of spectrograms

Topological fingerprints

Topological fingerprints

Let $\mathcal S$ denote the mel-spectrogram of an audio track $s:[0,T]\to \mathbb{R}$.

  • Local spectral decompositions: Given $\omega$ a window size and $0<\tau<1$ an overlap constant, we subdivide $\mathcal S$ into a set of $\tau$-overlapping windows $W_0, W_1, \dots, W_k$ of $\omega$ seconds duration. We normalize the range of every window as $\frac{W_i-\min(W_i)}{\max(W_i)-\min(W_i)}.$ Let $t_i$ be the mid-time point of $W_i$.

Topological fingerprints

Let $\mathcal S$ denote the mel-spectrogram of an audio track $s:[0,T]\to \mathbb{R}$.

  • Local persistence signatures: For each (normalized) window $W_i$, we compute the persistent homology of the associated upper-filtered cubical complex for dimensions 0 and 1.
    We encode the persistent barcodes as a family of Betti curves $\{\beta_{i,0}\}_{i=0}^{k}$ and $\{\beta_{i,1}\}_{i=0}^{k}$ for dimensions 0 and 1, respectively.

Topological fingerprints

Let $\mathcal S$ denote the mel-spectrogram of an audio track $s:[0,T]\to \mathbb{R}$.

  • Fingerprint: The topological fingerprint of the audio track $s$ with the resolution given by the parameters $\omega$ and $\tau$ is defined as the set of triples ${(t_i, \beta_{i,0}, \beta_{i,1})}_{i=0}^{k}$.
  • $~~~~~~~~~~~~t_0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t_1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t_2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t_3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t_4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t_5 \dots$

Comparing fingerprints

Comparing fingerprints

  • Distance: Let $s$, $s'$ be two audio tracks and let ${(t_i, \beta_{i,0}, \beta_{i,1})}_{i=0}^{k}, {(t_j', \beta'_{j,0}, \beta'_{j,1})}_{j=0}^{k'}$ be its associated fingerprints.



Comparing fingerprints

  • Distance: Let $s$, $s'$ be two audio tracks and let ${(t_i, \beta_{i,0}, \beta_{i,1})}_{i=0}^{k}, {(t_j', \beta'_{j,0}, \beta'_{j,1})}_{j=0}^{k'}$ be its associated fingerprints.
  • For every homological dimension $d=0,1$, the $d$-Betti distance matrix $M_d$ between $s$ and $s'$ is defined as \[ (M_d)_{i,j} = \Vert \beta_{i,d} - \beta'_{j,d} \Vert_{L^1}. \]

    We summarize the distance between every pair of windows $W_i$ and $W_j'$ as \[ C_{i,j} = \lambda (M_0)_{i,j} + (1-\lambda) (M_1)_{i,j} \] for a parameter $0\leq \lambda\leq 1$.

Comparing fingerprints

  • Matching: We compare $s$ and $s'$ via a minimum-cost matching in $C$.

Comparing fingerprints

  • Matching: We compare $s$ and $s'$ via a minimum-cost matching in $C$.

Comparing fingerprints

    • Scoring: We quantify the degree of temporal-order preservation in the matching as follows. Suppose $k < k'$. Let $P = \{(t_{1}, t'_{j_1}), \dots, (t_{i}, t'_{j_k})\}$ be the set of mid-points of matched windows, with $t_1< t_2< \dots< t_k$.

Comparing fingerprints

    • Scoring: We quantify the degree of temporal-order preservation in the matching as follows. Suppose $k < k'$. Let $P = \{(t_{1}, t'_{j_1}), \dots, (t_{i}, t'_{j_k})\}$ be the set of mid-points of matched windows, with $t_1< t_2< \dots< t_k$.
    • For $m\geq 1$, compute $\bar t'_{j_i} = \mathrm{median} \{t_{j_{i-m}},\dots, t_{j_{i-1}}, t_{j_i}, t_{j_{i+1}}, \dots, t_{j_{i+m}}\}$, the moving median at $t_{j_i}$. Consider $\bar P=\{( t_{i}, \bar t_{j_i}'): i =1,\dots,k\}$.

Comparing fingerprints

    • Scoring: We quantify the degree of temporal-order preservation in the matching as follows. Suppose $k < k'$. Let $P = \{(t_{1}, t'_{j_1}), \dots, (t_{i}, t'_{j_k})\}$ be the set of mid-points of matched windows, with $t_1< t_2< \dots< t_k$.
    • For $m\geq 1$, compute $\bar t'_{j_i} = \mathrm{median} \{t_{j_{i-m}}, t_{j_{i-m+1}}, \dots, t_{j_{i-1}}, t_{j_i}\}$, the moving median at $t_{j_i}$. Consider $\bar P=\{( t_{i}, \bar t_{j_i}'): i =1,\dots,k\}$.

      We assess the functional increasing dependency of the points in $P$ as \[ \rho_{\bar P} = \mathrm{Pearson}\{(t_i), (\bar{t}'_{j_i})\}. \]

Comparing fingerprints

    • Scoring: We quantify the degree of temporal-order preservation in the matching as follows. Suppose $k < k'$. Let $P = \{(t_{1}, t'_{j_1}), \dots, (t_{i}, t'_{j_k})\}$ be the set of mid-points of matched windows, with $t_1< t_2< \dots< t_k$.
    • For $m\geq 1$, compute $\bar t'_{j_i} = \mathrm{median} \{t_{j_{i-m}}, t_{j_{i-m+1}}, \dots, t_{j_{i-1}}, t_{j_i}\}$, the moving median at $t_{j_i}$. Consider $\bar P=\{( t_{i}, \bar t_{j_i}'): i =1,\dots,k\}$.

      We assess the functional increasing dependency of the points in $P$ as \[ \rho_{\bar P} = \mathrm{Pearson}\{(t_i), (\bar{t}'_{j_i})\}. \]

Experimental Results

Experimental Results

Music Obfuscator by Ben Grosser

Song Shazam (60 sec)
Smells Like Teen Spirit No
Get Lucky No
Giant Steps No
Stairway to Heaven Yes
Headlines Yes
Blue in Green No
You’re Gonna Leave No
Blue Ocean Floor No

Experimental Results

Music Obfuscator by Ben Grosser

Song Shazam (60 sec) Correlation (60-30 sec)
Smells Like Teen Spirit No 0.83208
Get Lucky No 0.99906
Giant Steps No 0.83904
Stairway to Heaven Yes 0.88533
Headlines Yes 0.91173
Blue in Green No 0.89276
You’re Gonna Leave No 0.71766
Blue Ocean Floor Yes 0.51332

Experimental Results

Spotify Database + PySOX Transformer

  • Spotify Web API. Dataset of 30 seconds preview snippets of (~135.000) songs.

  • PySOX Transformer. Every audio track has been then manipulated according to seven types of obfuscations in a range of different degrees of magnitude.
  • Obfuscation type Degree
    Low Pass Filter 200, 400, 800, 1600, 2000
    High Pass Filter 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200
    White Noise 0.05, 0.10, 1.20, 0.40
    Pink Noise 0.05, 0.10, 1.20, 0.40
    Reverberation 25, 50, 75, 100
    Tempo 0.50, 0.80, 1.1 1.2, 1.50, 2.00
    Pitch -8, -4, -2, -1, 1, 2, 4, 8

  • Positive and negative pairs. For every obfuscation type and degree, we generated a random set of 1000 positive pairs (36000 in total). We also generated a random set of 36000 negative pairs.
Experimental Results

Future work

the 1 vs N problem

Given an audio track $s$ and a database $\mathcal D$, identify an element $s'\in \mathcal D$ with the same audio content as $s$.

Future work

the 1 vs N problem

Given an audio track $s$ and a database $\mathcal D$, identify an element $s'\in \mathcal D$ with the same audio content as $s$.

  • The search algorithm involves the comparison of the sample fingerprint with the (already computed) database fingerprints.

Future work

the 1 vs N problem

Given an audio track $s$ and a database $\mathcal D$, identify an element $s'\in \mathcal D$ with the same audio content as $s$.

  • The search algorithm involves the comparison of the sample fingerprint with the (already computed) database fingerprints.

  • Some ideas to generalize the 1 vs 1 algorithm to the 1 vs N problem:

    • Clustering of the database by content.
    • Subdivide every audio track from the database in blocks of $T$ seconds (e.g. 60 sec).


  • W. Reise, X. Fernandez, M. Dominguez, H.A. Harrington, M. Beguerisse-Diaz. Topological fingerprints for audio identification (2023) SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (accepted).