UK Centre for Topological Data Analysis
Durham University
Goal: Study data sets with techniques coming from geometry and topology.
[A topological selection of folding pathways from native states of knotted proteins. Barbensi et. al., Symmetry, 2021]
[Extracting insights from the shape of complex data using topology. Lum et al., Nature, 2013]
[Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells. Gardner et al., Nature, 2022]
[Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells. Gardner et al., Nature, 2022]
The $d^{th}$ Betti number counts the number of 'independent' $d$-dimensional holes.
The $d^{th}$ Betti number counts the number of 'independent' $d$-dimensional holes.
Simplicial complexes are combinatorial objects built of small convex bricks called simplices.
Simplicial complexes are combinatorial objects built of small convex bricks called simplices.
Simplicial complexes can be stored as a list of non-empty subsets of its vertices.
Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
$\bullet$ Chain
$C = [v_0,v_1]+[v_1,v_2]+[v_2,v_3]+[v_3,v_4]+[v_4,v_5]+[v_5,v_0]$
Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
$\bullet$ Chain
$C = [v_0,v_1]+[v_1,v_2]+[v_2,v_3]+[v_3,v_4]+[v_4,v_5]+[v_5,v_0]$
$\bullet$ Cycle
$\partial C = [v_1]-[v_0]+[v_2]-[v_1]+[v_3]-[v_2]+[v_4]-[v_3]+[v_5]\\-[v_4]+[v_0]-[v_5] = 0$
Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
$\bullet$ Chain
$C = [v_0,v_1]+[v_1,v_2]+[v_2,v_3]+[v_3,v_4]+[v_4,v_5]+[v_5,v_0]$
$\bullet$ Cycle
$\partial C = [v_1]-[v_0]+[v_2]-[v_1]+[v_3]-[v_2]+[v_4]-[v_3]+[v_5] \\ -[v_4]+[v_0]-[v_5] = 0$
$\bullet$ Non boundary
Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
$C = [v_0,v_1]+[v_1,v_2]+[v_2,v_3]+[v_3,v_4]+[v_4,v_5]+[v_5,v_0]$
The boundary of a $d$-simplex is the alternate chain made of its $(d − 1)$-simplices.
This operation extents linearly to chains of $d$-simplices.
$\partial_d[v_1,\dots,v_{d+1}] = \sum_{i=1}^{d+1}(-1)^i[v_1,\dots,v_{i−1},v_{i+1},\dots,v_{d+1}]$
$\partial C = [v_1]-[v_0]+[v_2]-[v_1]+[v_3]-[v_2]+[v_4]-[v_3]+[v_5]-[v_4]+[v_0]-[v_5] = 0$
Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
An element in $H_d$ is the equivalent class of a cycle modulo boundaries
\[C\simeq C' \Leftrightarrow C+C'\in \mathrm{Im} \partial\]Q: How to algorithmically compute homology of simplicial complexes?
Let $X$ be a topological space and let $\mathbb{X}_n = \{x_1,...,x_n\}$ be a finite sample of $X$.
Q: How to infer topological properties of $X$ from $\mathbb{X}_n$?
Point cloud
Point cloud
Evolving thickenings
Point cloud
Evolving thickenings
Filtration of simplicial complexes
Let $(\mathbb{X}_n, d)$ be a finite set of points with a metric.
Given a parameter $\epsilon>0$, the Vietoris-Rips complex $V_{\epsilon}$ is defined as \[V_{\epsilon}(\mathbb{X}_n) := \{\sigma \subseteq \mathbb{X}_n\colon \forall u,v\in \sigma, d(u,v)\leq \epsilon\}\]
Equivalently, $V_\epsilon$ contains all simplices whose diameter is less than or equal to $\epsilon$.
Image from: Bastian Rieck. Topological Data Analysis for Machine Learning.
Let $(\mathbb{X}_n, d)$ be a finite set of points wiht a metric.
Given a parameter $\epsilon>0$, the Vietoris-Rips complex $V_{\epsilon}$ is defined as \[V_{\epsilon}(\mathbb{X}_n) := \{\sigma \subseteq \mathbb{X}_n\colon \forall u,v\in \sigma, d(u,v)\leq \epsilon\}\]
Equivalently, $V_\epsilon$ contains all simplices whose diameter is less than or equal to $\epsilon$.
Idea: Track the evolution of the homology of $V_\epsilon$ as the value of $\epsilon$ increases.
Image from: Bastian Rieck. Topological Data Analysis for Machine Learning.
[Zomorodian, A.; Carlsson, G.. Computing persistent homology. Discrete Comput. Geom. 33 (2005), no. 2, 249--274.]
Gardner, R.J., Hermansen, E., Pachitariu, M. et al. Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells. Nature 602, 123–128 (2022)
Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells. Nature 602, 123–128 (2022)
Gardner R, Hermansen E, Pachitariu M, Burak Y, N, Dunn B, Moser M B, Moser E.
[Curto, Carina. What can topology tell us about the neural code? Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 54 (2017), no. 1, 63--78]
[Gardner, R.J., Hermansen, E., Pachitariu, M. et al. Toroidal topology of population activity in grid cells. Nature 602, 123–128 (2022)]
[Martin, S., Thompson, A., Coutsias, E. A., & Watson, J. P. (2010). Topology of cyclo-octane energy landscape. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 132(23), 234115.]
[Kovacev-Nikolic V, Bubenik P, Nikolić D, Heo G. Using persistent homology and dynamical distances to analyze protein binding. Stat Appl Genet Mol Biol. 2016 Mar;15(1):19-38.]
[Cang Z, Mu L, Wu K, et al. (2015). A topological approach for protein classification. Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 3(1)]
[Xia, K. & Wei, G. W. (2014). Persistent homology analysis of protein structure, flexibility, and folding. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 30(8), 814–844]
[Perea, J A, Harer, J. Sliding Windows and Persistence: An Application of Topological Methods to Signal Analysis. Found Comput Math 15, 799–838 (2015).]
[Perea J A, Topological Time Series Analysis, Notices of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 686-694, May 2019.]
[Fernandez X., Borghini E., Mindlin G., Groisman P. Intrinsic persistent homology via density-based metric learning, 2020. arXiv:2012.07621]
[Fernandez X., Mateos D. Topology of epilepsy seizures. Work in progress, 2022.]
GitHub ximenafernandez/biomat2022